작가 및 작품 소개 ___

작가는 사물을 볼 때 단순히 눈으로 보는 것이 아닌 가슴으로 바라본다. 개인의 추억과 삶, 살아온 인생 전반에 비추어 사물을 바라보는 것이다. 작가의 ‘블루’는 오묘하다. 파랗다기엔 그 깊이감이 드러나지 않고, 푸르다기엔 그 신비로움이 모두 표현이 안된다. 처연하면서도 생동감이 느껴지는, 하지만 시리도록 슬퍼 신비함이 배가 된다.
작가는 17여 년 이상 자신의 사상과 인생관이 담긴 자신만의 블루를 만들어내고자 물감을 섞고 칠하고 말리고 다시 덧칠하기를 반복, 작가만의 시그니처 컬러를 완성해냈다. 실재와 허상을 교묘하게 중첩한 연잎은 우리가 사는 현실이면서도 모두가 꿈꾸는 유토피아로 대변된다. 작가는 고된 노동으로 불거진 손등의 실핏줄처럼 파리하게 드러난 연잎의 잎맥을 통해 현실에서의 삶을 나타냄과 동시에 손톱크기 정도의 스파이더맨, 어린왕자, 아토믹보이, 보이저2호 등 다양한 오브제를 연잎 위에 그림으로써 현실과 비현실의 세상들을 작품안에 위트있게 담아내고 있다
블루문의 작품을 혹자는 디지털 아트의 결과물로 오인하고, 혹자는 LED같은 기계적인 힘을 빌린 미디어로도 착각하지만, 작가는 모든 작품을 100% 유화로 작업하며, 작품의 크기에 상관없이 4개월 이상이 소요되는데, 예리한 세필붓 0호에서부터 20cm이상의 평붓 등, 수십 번 수백 번의 붓질을 더해 층층히 레이어로 쌓아 그려진다.
본 형식은 레오나르도 다빈치의 <모나리자>에 사용된 ‘스푸마토 기법’과 유사한 형식을 띠는데, 겹쳐진 연잎과 연잎의 경계, 연잎과 배경의 경계를 구분하기 위해서 일반적인 선이나 면을 사용하는 대신, 경계가 되는 부분에 수십 번의 덧칠을 통해 자연스럽게 구분짓게하는 기법이다. 간혹 동양화에서의 선염기법과 비교되어지기도 하는데, 블루문의 이런 독특한 기법은 캔버스 위에 물감이 올려지는 방식이라기 보다는 캔버스에 물감이 스며들 듯 표현되어, 오묘하고 환상적이며 아스라한 아우라를 풍기게 함으로서 관객에게 독특한 시각적 경험을 제공한다.
이러한 작품의 분위기는 사색적인 분위기와 섬세한 터치가 연잎이라는 구체적인 이미지와 조화를 이루면서 그 자체로 놀라운 효과를 내고 있다. 이는 작가의 독창적인 시각과 아이디어, 숙련된 솜씨와 예술적 감각이 결합된 결과이다.
작가 남상운(b.1970)은 경기대학교 및 동대학원을 거쳐 홍익대학교 박사를 졸업하였고, 최근 그의 작품은 형식적, 내용적 측면에서 차별성을 확립, 작가만의 작품세계를 확고히해 나가고 있으며, 다수의 잡지, 영화, 광고 등에 삽입되고 있습니다.
About Artist ___
Blue lotus leaves resembling a solitary full moon in the deep night sky.
Starting with his first solo exhibition in 1998, Nam Sang-Woon participated in a total of 23 solo exhibitions and 147 group exhibitions, and graduated from Hongik University with a doctorate in art.
When He looks at objects, he looks at them not only through his eyes but also through his heart. He reflects objects in light of his personal memories and life, and throughout of his life he has lived. The Artist's "Blue" is very unique. As we want to say "Blue", that "blue" is not deep enough to express its own depth, and the word "fresh"does not express good enough of its mystery at all. It is pitiful and lively, but it is so sorrowful that it adds mysteriousness twice as much.
Trying to make his own blue that contains his thoughts and philosophy more than 17 years, the artist repeatedly mixed, dried, and repainted the paint. And finally he create a "blue of his own",which we refer it as his signature color. The lotus leaf, which skillfully overlaps reality and virtual image, is representing the utopia that everyone dreams of, even though it is the reality that we live in.


SOLO Exhibition


Hidden Blue, EN gallery, Seoul, Korea

Blue Moon, Culture4U X MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea

Artspace Polarpo, Seoul, Korea


Aleph Contemporary, LONDON, UK

Gallery MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea


Brightspace, Melbourne, Australia

Sogongheon, Seoul, Korea


Art space KC, Kyonggi, Korea

Museum Gallery, Ulsan, Korea


Star Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Topohaus, Seoul, Korea


Gong Gallery, Kyonggi, Korea

Gallery Art M, Seoul, Korea

Kumoh National Institute Technology, Korea

Gallery The forest, Seoul, Korea 


Art space Eobium, Yongin, Korea 

Gallery Artselci, Seoul, Korea 

Gallery Art space Qualia, Seoul, Korea 


Suwon Art Center, Suwon, Korea 

IS Gallery, Seoul, Korea 


Hyun Gallery, Seoul, Korea 


Gallery Sup, Seoul, Korea 


The K Gallery, Seoul, Korea 


Nosong Gallery, Suwon, Korea


Gallery La Mer, Seoul, Korea 


Jongro Gallery, Seoul, Korea





Timeless Art, Passion at Heart, Four Seasons Hotel X Gallery MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea

The 69th Annual Exhibition of the Creative Art Association, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

Carpe Diem: Exhibition of Five Artists, Bozar Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Wholly Painting Exhibition, Gallery MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea

Korean Art London, Mall Galleries, London, UK

The 68th Annual Exhibition of the Creative Art Association, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea


Seoul Art Show 2022, COEX, Seoul, Korea

Love under the blue moon, JM Gallery, LONDON, UK

Exhibition of paintings that did not exist in the world, Gallery MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea

Born To Be ART, BTBA22, Gallery MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea

Traveling companions, Gyeongin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Open world 4 person exhibition, Gallery MONDEOUVERT, Seoul, Korea

Korea-Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition, Kubota Gallery, Japan

Creative Arts Association Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

Korea Polo Club Open Special Exhibition, Jeju Island KPC Gallery, Jeju, Korea

Going to Hwaseong, Suwon 2022, Suwon Municipal Manseok Exhibition Hall, Suwon, Korea

Beautiful Travel Exhibition, Superior Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Gyeonggi Culture and Arts Newspaper Special Exhibition ‘I am Here’, Rafoe Gallery, Gyeonggi, Korea

Born To Be ART, BTBA21, Gallery Sogongheon, Seoul, Korea

Self-portrait of the times, Delmond Museum, Jeju, Korea


Muse Auction Gallery Project, La Kaisand Pine Resort, Kangwon, Jorea

JBD Gallery Opening Memorial Exhibition, JBD Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Before mountain, water, and painting, Suwon Art Exhibition Hall, Suwon, Korea

The International Invitational Works Exhibition in Beijing, China


THE GIFT 2019, Gallery ArtM, Seoul, Korea 

Beautiful Travel Exhibition, Superior Gallery, Seoul, Korea

The artist's memory and record, Alternative Space Spring, Seoul, Korea

MY ANOTHER LIFE, Maru Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Exhibition of the Creative Art Association, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea

Go to Suwon Hwaseong-Seongseong-Seongseong Project, Suwon Convention Center, Suwon, Korea

Alumni Exhibition of Kyonggi University, Suwon Museum of Art, Suwon, Korea

The 25th Seoul Tokyo Mokpo contemporary Art Korea & Japan, Seoul, Korea

'Yesterday and another tomorrow' Exhibition, Yangpyeong Museum of Art, Yangpyeong, Korea

1st Asia International College of Art, Principal Bae Art Exhibition, Gwangju Biennale 5 Exhibition Hall, Gwangju, Korea

Kim-Sun Young, Nam-Sang Woon, Shin Huang rock 3 Exhibition, Superior Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Beautiful travel, Seoul, Korea

Hwalryojongjeong, the best moments agoArt speace Eobium, Yongin, Korea 

Gwangju International Art Fair, Kim Daejung Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea

Korea, China International Exchange Exhibition, Suwon, Korea

Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea

Korea-Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition, Tokoy, Japan

Uijeonbu Art Festival, Uijeonbu, Korea 

Debacle Picture Exhibition, Art speace Eobium, Yongin, Korea 

Color, awakening the existence (Azure Museum, Seoul, Korea


Korea-Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition (KEPCO Art Center, Seoul, Korea

Beautiful travel, Seoul, Korea

Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea

Painting- Graphic, Art speace Eobium, Yongin, Korea 

Uijeonbu Art Festival, Uijeonbu, Korea

Suwon of today, Suwoon, Korea

People and People Exhibition, Suwon Museum of Art, Suwoon, Korea

‘Suwon Hwaseong Fortress', Suwon Museum of Art, Suwoon, Korea

Gyeonggi University Dongmunjeon, Suwon Museum of Art, Suwoon, Korea

Planning New Year, Beautiful companion exhibition, accompanying gallery, Seoul, Korea


Affordable Art Fair, DDP, Seoul, Korea

Korea,China International Exchange Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea

Special Exhibition by psst Winners of Danwon Art Festivai Awards, Seoul, Korea

Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea

Avenuefrance, Suwoon, Korea

Beautiful travel, Seoul, Korea

Suwon of today, Suwoon, Korea


MOA SPECIAL International enviroment Art special, Suwoon, Korea

International Exchange Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea

Exhibition for Communication and Harmory, Suwoon, Korea

Montage of wandering Gallery mc, NewYork 

Uijeonbu Art Festival, Uijeonbu, Korea 

Suwon of today, Suwoon, Korea


Exhibition for Communication and Harmory, Suwoon, Korea

Montage of wandering,, Gallery mc, NewYork 

Hong Kong contemporary, Hong Kong


Hong Kong contemporary, Hong Kong

new wave new art, Suwoon, Korea

Special Exhibition by psst Winners of Danwon Art Festivai Awards, Seoul, Korea

Suwon Artist' Festival, Suwoon, Korea

Suwon of today, Suwoon, Korea


Korea, China, Japan International Exchange Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea

The66th Gyenggi Fine Arts Association Member Arts Exhibition, Ansan, Korea

Korea contemporary art exhibition, Seoul, Korea

Suwon Artist' Festival, Suwoon, Korea

Gint Step, Seoul, Korea

Suwon Fine Art Association Menbership Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea

Korea contemporary Coloring Association Arts Exhibition, Seoul, Korea


Twitter Art Festival, Seoul, Korea

East Asia International Exchange Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea

A New Horizons, Suwoon, Korea

At April, Seoul, Korea

Suwon Fine Art Association Menbership Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea


Artist Charity Auction, Seoul, Korea

Bun-Dang International Art Show, BunDang, Korea 

Gangnam Fine Artists Exerhibition, Seoul, Korea

Korea contemporary Coloring Association Arts Exhibition, Incheon, Korea 

Suwon Fine Art Association Menbership Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea


Gangnam Fine Artists Exerhibition, Seoul, Korea


Gangnam Fine Artists Exerhibition, Seoul, Korea


Gangnam Fine Artists Exerhibition, Seoul, Korea


Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea


Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea


Apple, Seoul, Korea


Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea


Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea


Chang-jark Fine Art Association, Seoul, Korea

Bupyeong–Gu a borou office invitation, Incheon, Korea

Seoul peace L.G.S Exhibition, Seoul, Korea

Mockery or Heckling Exhibition, Seoul, Korea


A whole mind of Suwoon Arts, Suwoon, Korea.

WALK-WORKS Exhibition, Suwoon, Korea.

Modern Formative art, Seoul, Korea

Kwang-Joo Biennale,, Kwang-Joo Korea

The spirit of the age Exhibition, Seoul, Korea


New wave New art, Seoul, Korea

Seoul modern Arts invitation, Seoul, Korea

‘99 Rrality–Situation’, Suwoon Korea


New wave New art, Seoul, Korea

Aquie Exhibition, Seoul, Korea


New wave New art, Seoul, Korea





Special Prize_Danwon Art Festivel

Special Prize_Figurative Exhibition of Gusanggeon


Grand Prize_Geychon Art Exhibition


Special Prize_Danwon Art Festivel

Grand Prize_Exhibition by Chang-jark Fine Art Association


Special Prize_Danwon Art Festivel

Special Prize_Kyongin Art Exhibition


Special Prize_Figurative Exhibition of Gusanggeon

Special Prize_Kyongidogeon Art Exhibition





The Grand Art Exhibition of Korea. Seoul, Korea

The Grand Art Exhibition of JungAng. Seoul, Korea

Danwon Art Festivel. Ansan, Korea 


Figurative Exhibition of Gusanggeon. Seoul, Korea


New Art Exhibition. Seoul, Korea

Handok Art Exhibition. Seoul, Korea


The Grand Art Exhibition of Korea. Seoul, Korea 

Chang-jark Fine Art Association. Seoul, Korea 


The Grand Art Exhibition of Dong-A. Seoul, Korea 


The Public Contest for Art World Award. Seoul, Korea




National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Art Bank (2011, 2012) 

NH Nonghyup Bank

Lotte Hotel Yangon, 


Suwon City Hall

Korean Polo Club in Jeju City (Korea Polo Association)

YS Inter

Four Seasons Investment

STIC Investment

Hosu Construction Dohwa Art

SINA Industrial Development

Saengsaeng Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Center

Myeongjindan Radiology Center

Jeju Remicon Co., Ltd., 

and many others.